Saturday, September 19, 2009

My Life

First day of my blog - September 19,2009 -
A beautiful day in upstate NY and not a cloud in sight. Anyone who lives here knows that a cloudless sky is very rare as we are always in the clouds-from-the-lake/snow from Lake Ontario mode. And, it is almost fall and we are supposed to have a frost tonight, the first one of the season.
This is my first post and I am trying to manage my time between creative writing, quilting, refinishing (and sometime building) furniture, designing jewelry, practicing my music and being with my family. I have written short stories and some poetry and I have been a quilter and sewer for a long time. Now I have time to do (and hopefully finish) all those creative things that I never had time for before. Mainly I want to write to keep grounded and quilt and create to keep my creativity boundless, everyday.